Thursday, June 25, 2009

7 Days of Gratitude: Day 1

A friend of mine posted the following statement on Twitter:

DrLife: Spiritual practice of the week: For the next 7 days, wake up and write 5 things that you are grateful for BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE!

Her tweet reminded me that it was time to review my 2009 goals and so far I've been making progress with all but that finance one. Ugh!! But anywho, the two goals I'm specifically thinking about regarding DrLife's tweets are to 'Improve my overall spiritual growth and giving' and 'Improve my relationship with self'. Because in order to give of yourself, I believe you must be able to also take care of yourself first. So I encourage myself by participating in a variety of things that cause me to grow. As I look at the statement above there's much to be grateful for.

1. I'm grateful that I still have life. As cliche as it may sound, on November 2, 1990, I rolled my car over an estimated 3 times in a rural area with two houses in sight. My car landed on its roof. I unbuckled myself, walked to the edge of the road, where someone caught me before I hit the concrete. I was in the hospital maybe 5 hours. Long enough for them to pull the shards of glass from my hand and head.

2. I'm grateful that I have my health. I hadn't been in the hospital overnight since Dom was born until last summer. I underwent surgery that required the removal of a ovarian cyst that grew to the size of a baseball in about 7 months as well as the removal of the tube on the opposite side. The cyst had began affecting my kidney's as well. So I had two additional doctors on site. But the one I was concerned with was the oncologist, just in case it was found to be cancerous. Thank God, he was just an observer that day. Ladies, pay attention to your bodies and make those yearly exams a birthday present to yourself.

3. I'm grateful for strength. While going through the divorce, I found myself with a lenghthy list of expenses that I was solely responsible for. My name was on everything. Eventually I was facing a foreclosure as my mortgage had been adjusting every 6 months. The last statement I remember was for almost $1600 per month. At that point, I decide to tell them they can have it. I could not fret about what was now out of my control. What was within my control is not sitting there waiting to be put out. So, I found a new place, packed up, moved, and started over. This was before the big mortgage fallout. I never hid my situation. In fact I believe in telling others, so they can be more aware of the responsibilities of home ownership.

4. I'm grateful for my family. No matter what has occured in my life. No matter what choices I have made. I have been phenomally blessed by a mother, father, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and that boy of mine lol. They have always provided me with open arms, shoulders to lean and cry on, and encouragement to 'keep it moving'. I have met people who do not have the type of bond I have with my family. I can't imagine what that feels like and I pray that I will never have to.

5. I'm grateful for my friends. As I went through my divorce, I realized my social circle was my ex's family, friends, our church (pastored by his mom), and a couple of people I worked with. Other than that everyone else was miles & miles away and we spoke sporadically due to various obligations. Although I'm still just as close to my best friends from 20+ years ago, I have opened myself up to meeting other people. Most of the people I have encountered, I would never have imagined to be in my social circle. But now they are and they have proved to be better friends than many I've known for years.

Wow, that was long huh? lol. Well that's my first day of 7.......what are you grateful for? Until the next time......journey light.

Luv, peace, and an abundance of blessings,


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